Adjust the supported client operating systems:
As noted in you need to adjust the client supported operating systems.
Add the following lines to your client operating system
Admin needs to add the following two lines to the XML file on the server located at –
C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Bin\WebApp\ClientDeployment\packageFiles\supportedOS.xml Find the file and open in notepad. Add the following two lines:
<OS id=”9″ Name=”Windows 10, AMD64″ Major=”10″ Minor=”0″ Build=”10240″ SPMajor=”” SPMinor=”” ExcludedSuite=”512″ RequiredSuite=”” RequiredProductType=”1″ Architecture=”9″/>
< OS id=”10″ Name=”Windows 10, x86″ Major=”10″ Minor=”0″ Build=”10240″ SPMajor=”” SPMinor=”” ExcludedSuite=”512″ RequiredSuite=”” RequiredProductType=”1″ Architecture=”0″/>
Adjust the group policy wmi filter to fix the issue where folder redirection does not work:
Instead of the WMI filter included in Essentials R2, please adjust it as follows:
Instead of select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where (Version >= “6.1%”) and ProductType= “1”
Change it to select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where Version like “10.%” or Version >=”6.1″
Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, and then click Run. Type gpmc.msc in the text box, and then click OK or press ENTER Once you launch the group policy editor, scroll to the bottom where the wmi filters reside. Right mouse click and click edit, and bring up the filter. Now click on edit and adjust it as noted.

Alternatively remember that if you want to set up a unique wmi filter just for Windows 10 you can use to select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where Version like “10.%”
Note that you may have to edit the quotes and retype them as cut and pasting from this document may not copy over the right formatting.
Change Windows 10’s default printer changes.
Due to a change in Windows 10 build 1511, each time you select a new printer it will make that the default printer. To adjust this perform the following:
1. Click on Windows icon (lower left) then click Settings
2. From the Settings window, click Devices
3. From the Devices window, click Printers & scanners
4. From the Printers & scanners window, scroll down and locate the section Let Windows manage my default printer
5. You can click on the toggle button to turn the option on or off, as desired.
See here for more details:
RWA functionality:
No issues reported with RWA. You can use the Edge browser to connect to the remote web access.
Adjust the group policy to allow RDP access to Windows 10 machines
As noted in SBS 2011 Essentials (and standard) need an adjustment to allow for remote desktop and also RWA into these workstations. To add this ability a new policy and ensure it has a wmi filter so that it applies to Windows 10. Go into the WMI section, right mouse click on new. Add a new WMI filter. Call it Windows 10, For the filter value click add and merely use select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where Version like “10.%”
Click to save the filter.

Now build a new policy. Go up to the policy settings and add a new policy. Right mouse click and click on create a GPO in this domain and link it here. Name your policy. Windows 10 computers (or something equality descriptive).
The policy setting is found at :
Computer Configuration > Policies> Administrative Templates > Windows components> Remote Desktop Services> Remote Desktop Session Host > Connections >
‘Allow users to connect remotely using Remote Desktop Services’

Also set
Computer Configuration > Policies> Administrative Templates > Windows components> Remote Desktop Services> Remote Desktop Session Host > Security >
‘Set Client Encryption Level’
To Enabled and High.

As the final step, change the wmi filter to be the Windows 10 filter you set up before
Changes needed to WSUS server
Our final changes required a needed evaluation of the needs of and control of patching of Windows 10 in a network where WSUS 3.2 will not get the needed fixes in order to manage branch patching for Windows 10. While WSUS 3.2 can handle normal security releases, it will not be getting the hotfix needed to support WSUS deployment of branch updates.
If you have the ability to install the WSUS role on a Server 2012 or 2012 R2 member server inside the SBS 2011 standard or SBS 2008 domain, you may wish to do so. Alternatively you can disable the WSUS services and decide to use a third party patchmanagement tool to deploy updates throughout the network. I would recommend leaving WSUS installed and merely disabling the WSUS services. The installation of WSUS changes IIS compression settings and removing SQL server from a domain controller can be hazardous to the server, thus why I recommend to leave the services installed and merely disable them.
Another option you can do firm wide is to change the group policy to no longer use WSUS in the network and to move all workstations to get their updates automatically from Microsoft update.
Finally you can make a setting to just impact the Windows 10 in your domains.

For those of you on older (non supported) WSUS, you have several options:
Option one: Change the settings to that every workstation in the network doesn’t use WSUS.
To use this option, change these settings in group policy:
In the update services common settings policy>Computer configuration>policies>administrative templates>Windows components>Windows update
Notice all of the enabled policies:

Review each to see which ones you still want to keep, and ones that need to be adjusted.
Specifically you need to change to “Not configured” the Setting for “Specify intranet Microsoft update service location”

Make sure it’s adjusted to not configured:

When you are done it should look like this:

For servers we do not want the patches to auto install

You are aiming to set the workstations to go directly to MU and install critical and important updates every day at 3:00am and reboot as necessary, except the server which will download and notify.
The advantage to this is you no longer have the overhead of WSUS on the server as you can shut down the services. The disadvantage is that you are at the mercy of patch Tuesday.
Option two:
Keep using WSUS for security and normal patching, manually update Windows 10 professional or Enterprise skus to the branch updates. Any Windows 10 workstation on a domain behind WSUS can manually go to Microsoft update merely by going to the Settings, Update and security section and manually force the workstation to check in with Microsoft update. The branch update will be offered up and you can then manually install it. After the install the workstation will once again be fully patchable by WSUS.
Make WSUS 10 not say Vista on the WSUS 3.2 server
As noted in you will need to do a SQL query to fix this. Note this issue is fixed in WSUS on 2012 and 2012 R2, this is only an issue for WSUS 3.2 After each build is released and installed you will have to run this script again.
UPDATE [SUSDB].[dbo].[tbComputerTargetDetail]
SET [OSDescription] = ‘Windows 10’
WHERE [OSMajorVersion] = ’10’
AND [OSMinorVersion] = ‘0’
AND [OldProductType] = ‘1’
AND ([OSDescription] <> ‘Windows 10’ or [OSDescription] IS NULL)