This month I covered a whirlwind of email security settings. With the onslaught of Teams users Microsoft has throttle some features so the Q&A wasn’t coming for up me in a timely manner. However I was able to download your questions. The answers are below. If you’d like to listen to the recording, please visit our store site for the free download.
I’m inviting you all to join us tomorrow evening, 8pm eastern, to our AMA Virtual Hotel Bar session. Show up, introduce yourself and ask anything you’d like. Here’s the .ics for your calendar.
Here is the resource that I mentioned for adding the blocked file types using powershell.
Can you add Groups to the “users to protect”? No, only individual users are accepted in the field |
Are these features included only in certain 365 plans? I’m using Microsoft 365 Business as the license of choice for my clients and this webinar series |
I don’t see most of these settings in my console. Noticed you have ATP– is that why you have then No, I don’t have a specific license for ATP, only Microsoft 365. |
Is it possible to create a set of default policies and then just apply them to a 365 tenant? Yes, you can create most policies using powershell and then deploy them to your clients. Microsoft has many templates available in GitHub |
If we’re already using a third-party mail filtering service like Mimecast or Proofpoint, would you recommend using BOTH the Microsoft and third-party rules, or only one? And if only one, would you say that Microsoft’s rules are now better than the third party providers? It is my opinion that Microsoft now provides the better protection over third parties. I used to use a third party but now I no longer do. |
Do we have to have E5 for all of this? Can we get some or all of it with perhaps AAD P1 or some other subscription level. No you do not need E5. I use Microsoft 365 Business. |
How many of these settings available in the Essentials O365 plan? It seems that what you go over only apply to the upper levels of the plans that are available. None. That is a stripped down very minimal use case license where you are unconcerned about security or features. The standard license to sell should be microsoft 365 Business at this point. |
What is your recommended limits for external, internal, hourly? I use the default limits. The ranges can be found in the service description for Exchange Online. |
Why is the spoof intelligence section always so painfully slow to load? No idea |
I have a customer that has a form on their website that when filled out it sends the information to Distribution Group. However every email from the form goes to Junk Email. If I send it directly, not using form on website, it delivers to Inbox. How do I get the emails from the form not go to Junk Mail? Your website is spoofing you. You need to add the mail sending service that the website uses to your SPF record as an include. |
With the new Third Tier website how do I find the past webinars? Easier to find on old website. Go to the store, which is found in the menu at the kits and papers link. I’ll try to make that more clear |
I noticed when you had the new extensions filtered you said you have to go manually update the list of exceptions. Is there no way to do this on a more global scale? There is powershell which I have reference in the resource above |
Do you have some good resource for some of us who have fallen behind to catch up with M365 and teams? So many changes and most of the books I have are outdated. This is why I jump on every new technology that Microsoft releases. It’s too hard to play catch up. But I would start at Learn. |
I don’t have a question, just wanted to let you know I found this extremely valuable and appreciate it. Thanks |
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