The most common question about email security is…

…do you use a third party filtering service in front of M365? No, I don’t and here’s why.

Here is a graphic of what you lose when you don’t use Microsoft’s security features. I’m not sure which Microsoft document he got this from but Robert Crane shared it with me.

The second most common question is, do you have to sell E5 or only the “advanced plans” to get these features? The answer is no. You only need to sell Microoft 365 Business which is the best plan for small and medium business. There really should not be any other plans until consideration unless you want to go higher. Microsoft 365 Business is the entry level for all good cloud networks. ‘

I got this graphic from here: and it is a short article worthy of reading.

As the world wakes up to the face that many businesses are under-secured the blame is being placed squarely on the outsource IT service. If you don’t offer it, if you don’t insist upon it and the business get compromised then the liability is coming our way. Legislation is in the works. Don’t be the person that ends up holding the bag. Sure, there are a few cheap businesses out there that think it won’t happen to them but with 90% of all malware coming through email now, email security should be the flagship of your security offering. There’s no one better than Microsoft at protecting Microsoft.

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