Everyone was busy setting up remote access, now everyone is busy getting their grants and loans lined up. By the end of this month you should have a pretty good idea of what’s going to happen with your revenue and you’ll need a plan. Step 1: Attend this webinar, here from experts in our industry that have lived this before.
In this webinar Rayanne Buchianico and Amy Babinchak will discuss what it’s going to take to right-size your MSP for the realities of a significantly reduced revenue stream. We are predicting that most will experience about a 33% revenue reduction in 2020. Both Rayanne and Amy have weathered recessions, hurricanes, oil spills, deaths and all manner of financial set backs to business and came out the other side. You can do this too and we will have practical advice, based on experience, on where you can cut and where you don’t cut to position your business for eventual growth. By the end of this webinar you’ll have a good understanding of how you need to position your business in this economic climate.
Rayanne Buchianico is a EA specializing in PSA optimization and business accounting. Amy Babinchak is an MSP owner and IT community leader, speaker and writer.
This webinar will take place on April 30 at Noon eastern.
Hereβs the URL for the registration form. Please share. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=CEtIRBCvwEyPI4AgwsgbpNuyp0aA_L9BtbaeZpAjy3NUN1E1SkhTSFNVOVRJUk5NN1NSOFQ5NTE2Ty4u