M365 Admin: Make Money! Microsoft Forms (recording)


  • MS Forms How-to
  • Email template
  • Blog post template
  • Session recording
  • MS Forms resources

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Microsoft Forms – recording

We welcome guest instructor Sharon Fry. She’s been an MCT for as long as I’ve known her (long time). If you’ve taking any official courses, attended any of those online 24-hour marathon training days, then you’ve probably heard Sharon and it was the best class of the day.

Sharon will show you some easy to deploy projects, templates and customization for rolling these out the easy way. It’ll be all demo and interactive. You’ll receive step-by-step PDF’s for each project, blog post and email templates so you can start making money right away.

Included in the download are:

MS Forms How-to, MS-Forms Resources, Sample blog and email, PowerPoint and session recording